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    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Minneapolis, MN

    If you have been trying the same old habits to approach your challenges and nothing seems to be working; it is time to change up the approach. If a star athlete gets injured but keeps trying to play in the game, he or she is only going to be able to perform at half speed and potentially further cause damage. If the star athlete performs the needed physical therapy to the injury, then he or she can heal and be ready to perform at their best. 

    The same is true for psychotherapy and your well-being. If the stressors of life have beat you down, then it is time to do some therapy to get you performing at your best self. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT is a well researched and solutions focused approach to counseling that helps people improve how they feel based on how they are thinking or responding to a given set of challenges.

    This striking image captures the silhouette of a person standing confidently on a rocky outcropping, with a beautiful sunset in the background. The person is alone and seems to be taking in the stunning natural surroundings. The image conveys a sense of peace and tranquility, and the use of silhouettes adds a touch of mystery and intrigue. This image represents the transformative power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Minneapolis, MN, where individuals can learn to overcome negative thought patterns and develop coping skills to manage their mental health. The image suggests a feeling of inner strength and resilience that can be cultivated through therapy, and the rocky landscape symbolizes the obstacles that can be overcome with perseverance and guidance.CBT in Minneapolis, MN can help with:

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Stress management
    • Panic attacks
    • Phobias
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)
    • Other behavioral compulsions
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Substance abuse
    • Chronic pain
    • Compulsive eating
    • Sexual concerns
    • Anger management

    Many people enjoy working with a CBT therapist if they are:

    • Tired of a therapist who is just going to listen and not give you any concrete tools.
    • Involved in a type of therapy that is confusing and you cannot understand the approach or where the sessions are going.
    • Finished with having the powerless mindset towards the life you dreamed about.
    • Wanting to be challenged to grow to your best self.
    • Goal oriented and have something specific you want to accomplish.
    • Looking to have concrete takeaways from therapy that you can use throughout your lifetime.
    • Ready to have improved confidence in how you are approaching the different areas of your life.

    With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you’ll be able to adjust the thoughts that directly influence your emotions and behavior. This adjustment process is referred to as cognitive reconstructing, which happens through different CBT interventions. CBT therapy gets straight to addressing the powerless feeling and gives you a more effective way of handling stress.

    A bottle of sanitizer lays on dry leaves. This image represents CBT Therapy in Minneapolis, MN, and how CBT can help sanitize your life and provide support.Some CBT techniques are:

    • Mindset exercises
    • Reframing thoughts or beliefs
    • Relaxation
    • Mindfulness
    • Social, physical and thinking exercises
    • Problem-solving or other solutions-oriented exercises
    • Emotional regulation skills
    • Exposure exercises
    • Visualizations

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is much more than sitting and talking about whatever comes to mind during a session. CBT therapy sessions are structured to ensure that the therapist and the person in therapy are focused on the different goals of each session, which in turn ensures that each and every session is productive. I include a lot of neuroscience of the different parts of the brain and how psychotherapy actually “re-hardwires” your brain. Therapy can change how your brain processes stress overall. 

    If you are ready to learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy, please contact me today. I would be happy to speak with you about how I may be able to help. Daily I get to see the benefits of people practicing CBT exercises and moving towards a more abundant way of life.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy FAQs

    How many CBT sessions do you have to complete?

    The amount of sessions really depends on your unique goals. To gain something from the sessions you definitely want to commit to at least 2-3 months of consistent sessions. Just like with exercise, there needs to be consistency for the new habits to take place.

    What are the benefits of CBT?

    By fully participating in the weekly exercises, CBT can give you an improved sense of confidence, a reduction in stress, better decision making skills, and a way of filtering out those negative thoughts.

    How often does CBT help?

    No therapist can make you a guarantee, but I have seen a majority of the people that I work with who practiced the CBT exercises weekly, have an improved outlook on how they were approaching their stressors.